Text for song:
Following a forgotten trail
Full sun’s journey since I saw a meal
Encountered a lost hunting camp
Found arrows and an old, weathered bow
On the branch of an oak, decrepit and old
Sits a squirrel, approached so slow
It descends to the remnants left cold
A mound beneath its roots
Clearing branches and vines
Between two large stones I find
The entrance to an old catacomb
Inside stands a statue
The woman from my dream
Under its dust, etched into the rock
The writings of a grave
The earth shakes
Suddenly enclosed with the blue glow
My burdened, aching body falls
As white fills my sight
A loud hum begins
And I am sick to my stomach
I wake within the crypt
Opened once more, as if nothing occurred
There rests my father’s old sword
Into the sheath on my belt
I fasten the weapon
Knowing I will die soon