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Text for song:

Frost Upon The Embers

Dim skies - potent fear in their harsh cries
The hilltops we climb
Disparagingly climb
Wreak of agony

In dwellings below
Kin threatened, I know
A predator waiting in numbers

Watches its prey and hungers
For death - senses their helplessness
Bound, I can only watch as it lunges for the kill

Daylight wanes
The unprotected village hastily assailed
Flame soon erupts in chaos
Shining light over disappearing shadows

Rising - As do the ferns from the forests to the mountains
And grows my anguish and hatred
Dusk makes its conquest
And night drapes the skies

The ocean pushing inland
Fills the shallow bay
Lifting their vessels
Only death is found there

The fire dances, leaving indelible scars upon the Earth
I cannot bear the sight, and drift into slumber

A resilient blue glow
Contrasts sharply with a figure
Bright and luminescent
Featureless face, only white and glowing eyes
Disembodied voices
Wind like the inhale of a dying beast
With cold breath

She speaks in lost tongues
Raising the hairs on my neck

Terrifying, yet beautiful
A sharp chill runs through my body

I'm awakened by night's frigid breath
Bonds 'round me loosened

Almost entirely
I slip into the dark

I walk for hours
My pains intensify
Until I turn
My direction implied

I shall trust this feeling as it guides
Into the untamed forest, I confide