Text for song:
Gather 'round, I have tale to tell you
there's a traitor within our flock
She has practiced the rites of the devil
and his mark is upon her soul
I watched; a dark man walked with her
at the shore when the moon was full
Wolves came and they sang their sad songs
and spilled blood for the evil troll
Bring forth the accused and tie her
gag her up so we won't hear the screams
set the fires to cleanse her spirit
purify her soul
Death bell will toll at the break of dawn!
She walks where the sun won't light
drawn by the howls of the beasts
And her thoughts they belong to the night
wandering in the feasts of hell
She stands accused of summoning forces
not meant to be summoned at all
her deeds set a curse over this earth
open gates for Satan to walk upon
Bring forth the accused and tie her
gag her up so we won't hear the screams
set the fires to cleanse her spirit
purify her soul
Death bell will toll
at the break of dawn
and in the valley of darkness
forever she'll roam...