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Victorious Hatred

Senate (CAN)
Absent to reinvent
Descent has left me cold and vacant
Absent to reinvent
Descent has left me cold

Down I go into the depths of me
Below all hope I must be
Leave the person I hate inside
Renew, begin below
Bottom of the soul

Dive deeper than the mainstream, I leave it above me
Some would sink these depths to win
I sink these depths to start again

Below the tread of foot my underbelly scrapes the earth
Bottom of the soul or vortex-maybe hole?
My flesh is peeling from all of this healing that I’m feeling
Revealing the enemy in me
To bloody victory

No one to intervene
Trapped inside myself- directed to a life obscene
What is left? left of me
The person that I was is dead as dead could be
Save yourself, let me die
There is no hope for me to live don’t even fucking try
No return from the edge
I’ve fallen off the fucking ledge

I’m dying in my sleep
No god- my soul to keep
I’ve pissed my life away
I see only grey

I arise, free of failure
With hate to raise me up
No peace to hold me down
Fear to replace my love

Forward to destiny
The eye of fate fixed upon me
Alone through terrors unforeseen
Through the black I long to see
