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Nobody Feelin' No Pain

Jake Owen
The bartender said ya'll keep it down
The party was goin' strong
By the palm trees down at the tiki bar
Right there in the Holidome
We'd been sittin' there since happy hour
Had the day off in Omaha
And all these girls came in and they wanted to swim
And the clothes they started comin' off

And it was alright, alright
We just got carried away
Yeah, it was alright, alright
Nobody feelin' no pain

Well, 2 a.m., room 509
We were all still good to go
Well, we damn near blew the speaker out
Of that alarm clock radio
The hotel security man
Kept knockin' ‘til his knuckles turned red
While all those daisy duke country girls
They were dancin' on the king-size bed

And it was alright, alright
We just got carried away
Yeah, it was alright, alright
Nobody feelin' no pain

Alright, I gotta know
How many of ya'll ever been out there in that hotel before
When they close that old pool bar down
Now I know ya'll didn't just go back on up to your room
And turn on QVC and order out for pizza
What you probably did was go down to that old icemaker
Down there in the hallway
And start filling up that bathtub in your room
With as much ice and as much liquid refreshments
As it would possibly hold
And pretty soon you got a big ol' party goin on, and you know

No whistle, no foul
No real harm done
We might've messed up a motel room
But we sure ‘nough had some fun

And it was alright, alright
We just got carried away
Yeah, it was alright, alright

Nobody feelin' no pain
Yeah, we were alright, alright
We just got carried away
Yeah, it was alright, alright
Ain't nobody feelin' no pain
Feels good
Nobody feelin' no pain