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I Have Returned

Iron Man

Band/Artist: Iron Man

Album: I Have Returned

They claimed I was gone , condemned and convicted
Ostracized , fate sealed tight
Resurrection the wise predicted
Overseen all Mankind , false idols pretended
Worship one , his only son
My Earthly reign never ended

Once Man was strong , the meek were protected
Now saturnine , sullen life
My teachings they rejected
Thy throne awaits for me , foretold by the profit
My rebirth , reclaim the Earth
And the universe that surrounds it

The time has come to choose , wrong or right !
Will it be EVIL or DIVINE
Blackened darkness , Holy light
Chaotic fury , passive benign
...I Have Returned

I laugh as I cry , watching Man's demise
One and all , see them fall
Cutting their plights down to size
It's Man's right to choose , unbeknownst by me
To seek delight , or careless fight
Their own masters of their destiny


Your future lies with me , gates gold and pearl
Angelic choir , Holy desire
Where peace and love are eternal
Armies rise from the sea , 7 crowned headed whore
Creating war , on every shore
Until Man exists no more...I have returned...I have returned