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Road Runner

Bo Diddley
I'm a road runner honey
Beep! Beep!
I'm a road runner honey
And you can't keep up with me
I'm a road runner honey
And you can't keep up with me
Come on, let's race
Baby baby, you will see
Here I come
Beep! Beep!

Move over honey
Let me by
Move over baby
Let this man by
I'm gonna show you baby, look out your head
Gonna put some dirt in your eye
Here I go
Oh yeah, how am I doin'?
Beep! Beep!

Take my hand baby
I'm gonna prove to you that I'm a road running man
I wanna show you something
That I'm the fastest in the land
Now let me by
Beep! Beep!

Oh yeah, you said you's fast
But it don't look like you gonna last
Goodbye! I've got to put you down
I'll see you some day
Baby, somewhere hangin' around