Text for song:
Have you had a feeling
You’ve seen this man once
Despite you know you haven’t, in your mind
You keep wandering where and how
Then you start talking
An easy small talk
From word to word passes the day
You’ve talked whole the night away
The friendship is born
I’m no longer alone
We learn from each other how to live
How to hurt and how to deceive
And many talks later
I really have changed
I know your name, my Peter Pan
And I can see you’re still the same
One day you fight with Captain James Hook
And the other you act like you were him
So be carefeull, it’s easy to slip
How many books did you read?
How many wise men did you meet?
And what was the sense of it all
If you keep repeating the same fault?
Today you look tired
Today you look sad
Did everyone stand silent
Didn’t say that your roads lead you astray?
There were some moments
Like on a sunny meadow
It was all Maya, I know
I produced it on my own
All your masters of spiritual life
All the Buddhas, Osho and God
Crying out they would ask you as one:
How many lifes do you need?
How many times will we meet?
How long will it take you to understand
For many lifes you’re still in the same place
om bhūr bhuvah svaha
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayāt
Let me break our karma chain
Let me not see you again
I’m closing the door right now
The key’s lost and never to be found