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Oblivious Scars


Band/Artist: Ashtar

Album: Urantia

Hold oh hours
I believe it
To be broken
I cry for you
...for you
Why I homage truth?
Blink too deep
Forever shattered...
I wonder, where is thy sign?
Coming in gold divine
Forlorn years in solitude
Amidst my shelter I lay
Derelict, I yearn to be sane...
Will I stand and rise again?
How can I know hell is gone?
Can I be sure that I´m alone?
Obsessed by cruelty
Is my soul now free?
Endless trip to hide my mind
From oblivios scars that stil can shine
Held by ancient words they said to me
An infinity, that won´t ever let me be myself
When am I going home - to reality?
When am I going home - to eternity?
When am I going home - to the real me