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I Dream (Therefore I Am?)

Arch Nemesis
I stand in front of me dazzled and confused
I searched to long to far to deep
What I found was not exactly what I had in mind
A journey trough my deepest fears

I travelled trough the darkest corners of my brain
Not knowing what I would become
In search of truth I lost the essence of my self
Unlocking madness from within

I dream, therefore I am? If I wake, I will be no more

Can anybody see me?
Can I reach me where I' ve gone?
When I look into the mirror i' m a stranger to my self

In search of paradise for all, I lost my way
Trough darkness and despair, I cannot prevail
My dreams of dancing with unicorns, my fantasies
Trough darkness and despair, they cannot prevail s

What's that in the distance?
I can't see it clear
Something's coming closer
I shiver in fear

I should have turned and run away
But my body just wont obey
As it approaches it grows strangely familiar
Where have I seen this man before?
I wonder. Like struck by lightening I suddenly realize
And my blood is turned to ice

There is no question, what I see I must believe
I stand here looking back at me

Again I stand in front of me dazzled and confused
I kept the search to far to deep
What I found was not exactly what I had in mind
A journey trough my deepest fears
I dream, therefore I am? If I wake, I will be no more