Text for song:
Every morning is the same
I wake up shivering under sweat drenched sheets
I can't believe that you're dead
I buried you myself in the family plot
said a prayer and planted flowers
in the freshly turned soil of your grave
not so long ago not so long ago
not so long ago...
Drag myself out of bed
the bare floor is cold on my feet
strumble to the sink turn on the water
cold water splash it on my face
see my reflection in the mirror
a tired old man staring back at me
with tear stained cheeks and blood shot eyes
and the memories of you and me
There's nothin left for me
as I wander these desolate streets
with the rain beating down upon my head
beating me down
beating me down
With the memories of you
haunting my mind
searching for something lost
something it'll never find
tearing me apart
tearing me apart