Text for song:
I'm getting insane
I'm wondering why
What all this mess will be
Like crazy we run
We don't know where
The game is faster than us
But I have to smile
I have to be nice,
I have to talk, to joke
To stay with people
Sometimes I would cry
I'm not in time
I'm near to miss
I make mistakes
I want to fix
I feel myself in a blinding fog
I'm rushing around
I'm in the eye of the storm
I can't see beyond
But I have to survive for you
You are my future
You in my mind
You don't have to cry at any time
And you
You'll be by my side
You'll be there in any case
So I can go on for another day
I'm searching for light
I wait for the time
When all will be over
And time will be mine
When you will be safe
My space and my place
A new start in my life
The end of the race