Text for song:
"How are you fallen from Heaven,
O Lucifer, Son of the Morning...
How are you cut down to the ground,
who did weaken the nations."
The ex son of God
Bringer of Hate
Bringer of Pain
The Almighty God
Whilst He sit
Upon a Throne of Light
Away from this clan
For all time
Apostasy Mine
To the dark
Where my kingdom
I shall reign
Never will I bleed for you
Never will I praise your name
Never will I look upon your light
I spit on your throne
I'm taking control
Ending your hold
Angels of Light
Hearken my call
Give me this fight
To bring on the Fall
Never will I bleed for you
Never will I praise your name
Never will I look upon your light
I spit on your throne
I'll take control
To end your hold
Demons arcane
Hearken my call
We'll put to shame
God once and for all