Text for song:
++Taiwanese version++
碎石流中竄出鬼差 拍開血盆大喙
石樁震耳的音響 有無底的恨仇
冤靈聲聲 喚自由
肆穿監插骨骸中 包覆著牽絲血肉
惡牛狂奔過冷霜 翻滾亂竄
萬獸踐踏血蹄中 滲染著尖刺碎石
赤紅雙目隱藏著 無底恨仇
鬼 差 退 散
惡 牛 斬 殺
鬼 差 退 散
惡 牛 斬 殺
肆穿監插骨骸中 包覆著牽絲血肉
惡牛狂奔過冷霜 翻滾亂竄
萬獸踐踏血蹄中 滲染著尖刺碎石
赤紅雙目隱藏著 無底恨仇
冤靈聲聲 喚自由
++English version++
Beyond the River of quicksand
with ghost troops underground
the pounding drums of hatred
unholy evil sound
Venom starts to boil inside my veins
As tortured distant screams drive me insane
Venom start to boil inside my veins
We will have revenge and rise again
Monsters tread with bloody hooves on rocky roads to nowhere. They penetrate the freezing cold with poison breath. Demon bulls, Ghost king possessed, when dark red eyes start to stare. Rotting flesh ripped from their bones, death virus spreads.
Ghost troops scattered
Wicked beast attacked
Tsing''s power shattered
Wicked beasts were hacked
Monsters tread with bloody hooves on rocky roads to nowhere. They penetrate the freezing cold with poison breath. Demon bulls, Ghost king possessed, when dark red eyes start to stare. Rotting flesh ripped from their bones, death virus spreads.
Venom starts to boil inside my veins
As tortured distant screams drive me insane
Venom start to boil inside my veins
We will have revenge and rise again
Venom starts to boil inside my veins