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Marga Sol

Marga Sol
Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska)
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Chillout Gems (CD 1) - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2019 Chillout Gems (CD 1) 10 00:53:01 320 122.42 Mb 1.91€
Chillout Gems (CD 2) - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2019 Chillout Gems (CD 2) 10 00:54:39 320 126.12 Mb 1.93€
Under The Sun (CD 1) - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2018 Under The Sun (CD 1) 9 00:51:02 320 117.82 Mb 1.76€
Under The Sun (CD 2) - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2018 Under The Sun (CD 2) 9 00:50:49 320 117.35 Mb 1.76€
Colours - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2016 Colours 13 01:10:32 320 161.79 Mb 2.5€
Butterflies (Sophisticated Lounge Music) - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2014 Butterflies (Sophisticated Lounge Music) 17 02:36:29 320 359.69 Mb 4.01€
Love Sensation (Sensual Lounge Vibes) - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2013 Love Sensation (Sensual Lounge Vibes) 16 01:23:26 320 191.36 Mb 3.04€
Awakening (Chillout Deluxe & Finest Lounge) - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2012 Awakening (Chillout Deluxe & Finest Lounge) 16 01:11:51 320 172.59 Mb 2.94€
I Am Everywhere - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2011 I Am Everywhere 14 01:01:07 256 112.87 Mb 2.38€
Marga Sol's Nightchill - Marga Sol (Margarita Sotirovska) 2010 Marga Sol's Nightchill 16 02:04:25 320 286.25 Mb 3.51€
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