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Kai Engel

Kai Engel
Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov)
Discography  (total 18 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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The Run - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2017 The Run 9 00:31:57 320 73.83 Mb 1.54€
Caeli - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2017 Caeli 9 00:27:21 VBR-320 63.7 Mb 1.49€
Sustains - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2017 Sustains 10 00:31:34 VBR-320 73.22 Mb 1.67€
Better Way - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2016 Better Way 9 00:19:40 320 45.64 Mb 1.4€
Chapter Three: Warm - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2016 Chapter Three: Warm 9 00:22:34 320 52.32 Mb 1.43€
Chapter Two: Mild - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2016 Chapter Two: Mild 9 00:26:28 320 61.6 Mb 1.48€
ICD-10 - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2016 ICD-10 6 00:18:42 320 43.01 Mb 1€
Atlantida - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2015 Atlantida 9 00:28:50 320 66.78 Mb 1.5€
Chapter One: Cold - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2015 Chapter One: Cold 9 00:30:44 320 70.86 Mb 1.52€
Idea - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2015 Idea 9 00:28:15 320 65.01 Mb 1.5€
The Scope - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2015 The Scope 9 00:33:17 320 76.54 Mb 1.55€
Written In Ink - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2015 Written In Ink 9 00:32:57 320 76.16 Mb 1.55€
Calls And Echoes - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2014 Calls And Echoes 9 00:32:25 320 74.89 Mb 1.54€
Deathless: The Renaissance - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2014 Deathless: The Renaissance 9 00:29:10 320 67.63 Mb 1.51€
Evening Colours - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2014 Evening Colours 9 00:24:21 320 56.77 Mb 1.45€
Paradigm Lost - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2014 Paradigm Lost 9 00:32:31 320 75.16 Mb 1.55€
Rain Catcher - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2014 Rain Catcher 9 00:24:17 320 56.8 Mb 1.45€
Irsen's Tale - Kai Engel (Anton Fedchenkov) 2013 Irsen's Tale 9 00:21:05 320 48.79 Mb 1.41€
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