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Griffith, Nanci

Griffith, Nanci
Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith)
Discography  (total 24 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Intersection - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 2012 Intersection 12 00:36:40 320 85.26 Mb 1.99€
The Loving Kind - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 2009 The Loving Kind 13 00:42:18 320 98.22 Mb 2.18€
Ruby's Torch - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 2006 Ruby's Torch 11 00:41:48 320 96.96 Mb 1.91€
Hearts In Mind - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 2004 Hearts In Mind 13 00:46:36 320 108.26 Mb 2.23€
Winter Marquee - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 2002 Winter Marquee 14 00:58:36 320 135.71 Mb 2.5€
Clock Without Hands - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 2001 Clock Without Hands 14 00:48:57
Wings To Fly And A Place To Be: An Introduction - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 2000 Wings To Fly And A Place To Be: An Introduction 14 00:53:12
The Dust Bowl Symphony - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1999 The Dust Bowl Symphony 14 00:53:22
Revisted - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1998 Revisted 12 01:00:14 224 97.81 Mb 2.05€
Other Voices, Too (A Trip Back To Bountiful) - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1998 Other Voices, Too (A Trip Back To Bountiful) 19 01:12:19
Country Gold - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1997 Country Gold 10 00:32:05
Blue Roses From The Moons - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1996 Blue Roses From The Moons 14 00:48:52
Sound Of Loneliness (Bootleg) - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1995 Sound Of Loneliness (Bootleg) 14 01:02:13
Flyer - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1994 Flyer 15 00:56:03
Other Voices, Other Rooms - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1993 Other Voices, Other Rooms 17 01:02:11
Late Night Grande Hotel - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1991 Late Night Grande Hotel 11 00:38:38
Storms - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1989 Storms 10 00:37:55
Little Love Affairs - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1988 Little Love Affairs 11 00:36:27
One Fair Summer Evening - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1988 One Fair Summer Evening 12 00:49:46
Lone Star State Of Mind - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1987 Lone Star State Of Mind 11 00:36:29
The Last Of The True Believers - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1986 The Last Of The True Believers 11 00:36:30 320 84.75 Mb 1.85€
Once In A Very Blue Moon - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1984 Once In A Very Blue Moon 13 00:39:06 320 90.89 Mb 2.14€
Poet In My Window - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1982 Poet In My Window 11 00:34:36 320 80.41 Mb 1.83€
There's A Light Beyond These Woods - Griffith, Nanci (Nanci Griffith) 1978 There's A Light Beyond These Woods 9 00:38:00 320 87.9 Mb 1.61€
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