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Bertrand, Emmanuelle

Bertrand, Emmanuelle
Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand)
Discography  (total 9 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Bach: Complete Cello Suites (CD 1) - Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand) 2019 Bach: Complete Cello Suites (CD 1) 18 00:57:10 320 131.17 Mb 3€
Bach: Complete Cello Suites (CD 2) - Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand) 2019 Bach: Complete Cello Suites (CD 2) 18 01:17:02 320 176.66 Mb 3.22€
Dutilleux, Werner, Crumb, Bacri, Britten, Cassado, Amoyel, Kodaly: Le violoncelle au XXe siecle (CD 1) (feat.) - Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand) 2016 Dutilleux, Werner, Crumb, Bacri, Britten, Cassado, Amoyel, Kodaly: Le violoncelle au XXe siecle (CD 1) (feat.)
[Featuring Amoyel, Pascal ]
22 00:59:49 320 137.47 Mb 3.55€
Dutilleux, Werner, Crumb, Bacri, Britten, Cassado, Amoyel, Kodaly: Le violoncelle au XXe siecle (CD 2) (feat.) - Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand) 2016 Dutilleux, Werner, Crumb, Bacri, Britten, Cassado, Amoyel, Kodaly: Le violoncelle au XXe siecle (CD 2) (feat.)
[Featuring Amoyel, Pascal ]
16 01:21:49 320 187.6 Mb 3.02€
Shostakovich: Cello Concerto No. 1, Cello Sonata, Moderato in A minor for cello & piano (feat.) - Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand) 2013 Shostakovich: Cello Concerto No. 1, Cello Sonata, Moderato in A minor for cello & piano (feat.)
[Featuring BBC National Orchestra Amoyel, Pascal ]
9 01:03:02 320 144.44 Mb 1.89€
Grieg: Works for Chello & Piano (feat.) - Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand) 2008 Grieg: Works for Chello & Piano (feat.)
[Featuring Amoyel, Pascal ]
16 01:14:50 320 171.61 Mb 2.94€
Bloch: Cello Solo Suites, Works for Cello & Piano (feat.) - Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand) 2003 Bloch: Cello Solo Suites, Works for Cello & Piano (feat.)
[Featuring Amoyel, Pascal ]
19 01:12:06 192 99.27 Mb 2.97€
Alkan, Liszt: Works for Chello & Piano (feat.) - Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand) 2001 Alkan, Liszt: Works for Chello & Piano (feat.)
[Featuring Amoyel, Pascal ]
9 01:05:22 320 149.79 Mb 1.92€
Dutillleux, Henze, Crumb, Ligeti, Bacri: Oeuvres pour violoncelle seul - Bertrand, Emmanuelle (Emmanuelle Bertrand) 2000 Dutillleux, Henze, Crumb, Ligeti, Bacri: Oeuvres pour violoncelle seul 22 00:59:52 192 82.54 Mb 3.27€
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