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Bendian, Gregg

Bendian, Gregg
Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian)
Discography  (total 9 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Bone Structure - Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian) 2003 Bone Structure 12 01:16:51 320 176.14 Mb 2.44€
Gregg Bendian's Interzone - Requiem For Jack Kirby - Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian) 2001 Gregg Bendian's Interzone - Requiem For Jack Kirby 7 01:19:05 320 181.14 Mb 1.82€
Gregg Bendian's Interzone - Myriad - Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian) 2000 Gregg Bendian's Interzone - Myriad 7 01:05:49 320 150.82 Mb 1.66€
Interstellar Space Revisited: The Music of John Coltrane (split) - Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian) 1999 Interstellar Space Revisited: The Music of John Coltrane (split)
[Split with Cline, Nels ]
6 00:59:34 320 136.47 Mb 1.46€
The Sign Of 4 (CD 1: Statement Of The Case) (split) - Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian) 1997 The Sign Of 4 (CD 1: Statement Of The Case) (split)
[Split with Pat Metheny Group ]
9 01:02:46
The Sign Of 4 (CD 2: The Science Of Deduction) (split) - Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian) 1997 The Sign Of 4 (CD 2: The Science Of Deduction) (split)
[Split with Pat Metheny Group ]
10 01:01:15
The Sign Of 4 (CD 3: The Balance Of Probability) (split) - Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian) 1997 The Sign Of 4 (CD 3: The Balance Of Probability) (split)
[Split with Pat Metheny Group ]
5 01:08:07
Greg Bendian Project - Counterparts - Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian) 1996 Greg Bendian Project - Counterparts 6 01:02:53 320 144.12 Mb 1.5€
Peter Brötzmann, Gregg Bendian, William Parker ‎- Sacred Scrape (split) - Bendian, Gregg (Gregg Bendian) 1994 Peter Brötzmann, Gregg Bendian, William Parker ‎- Sacred Scrape (split)
[Split with Peter Brötzmann ]
5 01:08:18 320 156.43 Mb 1.43€
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