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Andy Sheppard

Andy Sheppard
Andy Sheppard (Sheppard, Andy)
Discography  (total 8 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Trio Libero (split) - Andy Sheppard (Sheppard, Andy) 2012 Trio Libero (split)
[Split with Benita, Michel Seb Rochford ]
13 00:49:02
Movements In Colour - Andy Sheppard (Sheppard, Andy) 2009 Movements In Colour 7 00:57:14
On The Edge Of A Perfect Moment (split) - Andy Sheppard (Sheppard, Andy) 2007 On The Edge Of A Perfect Moment (split)
[Split with Rita Marcotulli ]
11 00:53:50 320 124.57 Mb 2.05€
Baluji Shrivastav & Re-Orient - Andy Sheppard (Sheppard, Andy) 2006 Baluji Shrivastav & Re-Orient 9 00:59:33 320 136.42 Mb 1.85€
Deep River (split) - Andy Sheppard (Sheppard, Andy) 2006 Deep River (split)
[Split with MacGregor, Joanna ]
11 00:50:53 320 116.92 Mb 2.01€
Sheppard, Vasconcelos, Lodder - Inclassificable - Andy Sheppard (Sheppard, Andy) 1994 Sheppard, Vasconcelos, Lodder - Inclassificable
[Tribute by Nana Vasconcelos ]
9 00:56:35 320 129.71 Mb 1.82€
Delivery Suite - Andy Sheppard (Sheppard, Andy) 1994 Delivery Suite 5 01:09:04
Rhythm Method - Andy Sheppard (Sheppard, Andy) 1994 Rhythm Method 6 01:01:50
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