Guitar passes of entry sets the gloomy shades of the When Nothing Remains main motive, then enveloping harsh vocal phrases in the harsh procession of the dark anthem. The Skyborn even more overshadows the musical essence of the sound. But introduces an extension of forgotten legends and ancient fairy tales. But then the sound of the album is somewhat accelerated. But varies the pace of musical narration in appearance with vocal variables. The title composition of the Apostisy - Allies Of A Fallen Empire album intrigues with so mysterious laces guitars solo of intro, then flying in a sparkling web around vocal phrases.
Surgon and significantly rolling the musical cloth before the main motive, the In Victory And Defeat track is processing process is crowned with vocal phrases, then fierce and sealing musical essence of the sound. Summary and insurmountably nervous waves of musical twilight, the Stormbringer song slightly accelerates the pace, giving musical sound some tests of drive retreating before vocal significance. The sound of the Epitaph Of The Fallen song envelops with the twilight atmosphere of long-standing memories, enveloping the thoughtful sound of the leitmotif.
Rolling with the waves of music passages, the Echos From The Grave composition crowds their ridges by vocal phrases, leisurely and significantly processing on a chosen musical way. The Voices Of The Dead composition completes the album, confidently and persistently traveling along the way, which was chosen by the main motive for the song's sound.