Oddly enough, Nefesh - Panta Rei concept album begins with the Outro - Preludio Al Ritorno composition, arabic motifs muffles and mysteriously cast intrigue the development of the narration of the Panic! composition, vocal forces the development of musical extravaganza, calling for progressive breaks in bridges. The piano and some kind of inspirational narrations of the vocals continue with the Luce Candida, then inspiring The Hidden Sun to develop these romantic urges in a more violent and inspirational impulse. The string chime Preludio Al Divenire continues the symphonic inspiration of the albdom, Anticipating the harsh interweaving of progressive passages, bringing up The Hell You Are! vocals experiences above genres. Once again, the melodic rehashings Vite Condivise are intertwined with vocal inspiration. Sternly and tightly Please, Stay rolls vocal phrases on the musical hypostasis. Mysterious Arabic motifs intertwined with Iberian guitar passages continue the spicy story of the desert in Preludio Al Risveglio compositions, anticipating the harsh and severe Be Damned!, rolling. irrepressible vocal phrases unique symphony. But the inspired serenade Costellazioni leads again to the impression - were we not mistaken with the album and style, however, the A New Inner Vision and the final album's Intro clearly demonstrates the album - no, not neo! That's all, folks!