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Sarah Brightman

Sarah Brightman
Surrender: The unexpected songs
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Surrender: The unexpected songs

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# Track title Length Lyrics
1 Surrender (Sunset boulevard, 1993) 03:06
2 Unexpected Song (Song and dance, 1982) 02:55
3 Chanson D'Enfance (Aspects of love, 1989) 03:55
4 Tell Me On A Sunday (Tell me on a Sunday, 1979; Song and dance, 1982) 03:44
5 Nothing Like You've Ever Known (Tell me on a Sunday, 1979; Song and dance, 1982) 03:08
6 Macavity: The Mystery Cat (Cats, 1981) 04:45
7 Gus: The Theatre Cat (Cats, 1981) 05:12
8 Piano (Cats, 1981) 05:05
9 Everything's Alright (Jesus Christ superstar, 1970/71) 04:31
10 The Last Man In My Life (Song and dance, 1982) 03:08
11 Pie Jesu (with Paul Miles-Kingston) (Requiem, 1985) 03:56
12 Amigos Para Siempre (Friends for life) (with Jose Carreras) (Official theme song for the Barcelona Games, 1992) 04:34
13 No Llores Por Mi Argentina (Don't cry for me Argentina - Spanish version) (Evita, 1976/78) 05:31
14 Guardami (With one look - Italian version) (Sunset boulevard, 1993) 03:38
15 There is More to Love (Aspects of love, 1989) 02:32
16 Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again (The phantom of the opera, 1986) 03:29
17 The Music of The Night (The phantom of the opera, 1986) 05:25
18 The Phantom of The Opera (The phantom of the opera, 1986) Bonus track 04:21