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Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights
Discography  (total 7 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Salt - Wuthering Heights 2010 Salt 9 00:59:27 320 136.26 Mb 1.85€
The Shadow Cabinet (Japan Release: CD 1) - Wuthering Heights 2007 The Shadow Cabinet (Japan Release: CD 1) 10 00:55:35 VBR-231 89.65 Mb 1.75€
The Shadow Cabinet (Japan Release: CD 2) - Wuthering Heights 2007 The Shadow Cabinet (Japan Release: CD 2) 7 00:42:58 VBR-209 63.69 Mb 1.23€
The Shadow Cabinet - Wuthering Heights 2006 The Shadow Cabinet 11 01:00:09 VBR-244 101.66 Mb 1.94€
Far from the Madding Crowd (Japanese Edition) - Wuthering Heights 2004 Far from the Madding Crowd (Japanese Edition) 12 01:05:37 320 150.38 Mb 2.31€
To Travel for Evermore - Wuthering Heights 2002 To Travel for Evermore 10 01:03:07 320 130.21 Mb 1.95€
Within - Wuthering Heights 1999 Within 7 00:47:35 320 109.11 Mb 1.46€
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