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Besatt (POL)

Besatt (POL)
Besatt (POL)
Discography  (total 19 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
Supreme and True at Night - Besatt (POL) 2021 Supreme and True at Night 8 00:46:23 320 106.33 Mb 1.57€
Anticross - Besatt (POL) 2017 Anticross 8 00:43:54 320 100.58 Mb 1.54€
Nine Sins - Besatt (POL) 2014 Nine Sins 9 00:44:11 320 101.3 Mb 1.68€
Tempus Apocalypsis - Besatt (POL) 2012 Tempus Apocalypsis 9 00:37:46 320 86.72 Mb 1.6€
Demonicon - Besatt (POL) 2010 Demonicon 9 00:32:02 320 73.56 Mb 1.54€
United By The Black Flag (split) - Besatt (POL) 2008 United By The Black Flag (split)
[Split with Infernal Kingdom Evilwar ]
11 00:47:20 320 108.68 Mb 1.97€
Triumph Of Antichrist - Besatt (POL) 2007 Triumph Of Antichrist 9 00:39:41 320 91.38 Mb 1.63€
Black Mass - Besatt (POL) 2006 Black Mass 7 00:35:25 320 81.55 Mb 1.32€
Czarci Majestat - Besatt (POL) 2006 Czarci Majestat 10 00:34:46 320 80.22 Mb 1.7€
Holokaust Zniewolonych Mas / Diabolus Perfectus / Raise The Blasphemer (split) - Besatt (POL) 2005 Holokaust Zniewolonych Mas / Diabolus Perfectus / Raise The Blasphemer (split)
[Split with Arkona Thirst (POL) ]
9 00:44:42 VBR-241 71.82 Mb 1.53€
Sacrifice for Satan - Besatt (POL) 2004 Sacrifice for Satan 8 00:40:20 320 92.9 Mb 1.5€
Conquering the World With True Black Metal War (4 way split) - Besatt (POL) 2004 Conquering the World With True Black Metal War (4 way split)
[Split with Inner Helvete Armaggedon ]
15 00:50:32 VBR-241 76.68 Mb 2.33€
Scream Of The Eastern Lands (split) - Besatt (POL) 2003 Scream Of The Eastern Lands (split)
[Split with Negura Bunget Burshtyn Immortal Hammer Inferno (CZE) Verdeleth ]
12 01:02:05 320 142.38 Mb 2.27€
Hellstorm - Besatt (POL) 2001 Hellstorm 8 00:51:18 320 117.56 Mb 1.63€
Underground Satanic (Split) - Besatt (POL) 2001 Underground Satanic (Split)
[Split with Tragedy Begins Unhallowed (POL) ]
14 00:54:25 320 125.69 Mb 2.45€
Hail Lucifer - Besatt (POL) 1999 Hail Lucifer 9 00:35:53 320 82.64 Mb 1.58€
In Nomine Satanas - Besatt (POL) 1997 In Nomine Satanas 8 00:35:57 192 49.49 Mb 1.29€
Czarei Majestat (Demo) - Besatt (POL) 1996 Czarei Majestat (Demo) 10 00:34:47 320 79.83 Mb 1.7€
In Nomine Satanas (Limited Edition) - Besatt (POL) 1994 In Nomine Satanas (Limited Edition) 9 00:40:06 320 92.3 Mb 1.63€
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