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Azagthoth Pendragon

Azagthoth Pendragon
Azagthoth Pendragon
Discography  (total 8 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Memories of a Knight - Azagthoth Pendragon 2023 Memories of a Knight 12 00:55:49 320 128.01 Mb 2.2€
Fight for the Kingdom - Azagthoth Pendragon 2021 Fight for the Kingdom 10 00:41:23 320 95.61 Mb 1.78€
Dynasty of Freedom - Azagthoth Pendragon 2020 Dynasty of Freedom 8 00:35:20 320 82.05 Mb 1.45€
Eternal Twilight (split) - Azagthoth Pendragon 2020 Eternal Twilight (split)
[Split with Mystic Forest Natura Aeternum ]
6 00:40:58 320 94.84 Mb 1.25€
Melodies from another World - Azagthoth Pendragon 2019 Melodies from another World 8 00:30:55 320 72.06 Mb 1.4€
Fight for the Kingdom - Azagthoth Pendragon 2018 Fight for the Kingdom 8 00:31:22 320 72.93 Mb 1.4€
Sadness & Hope - Azagthoth Pendragon 2017 Sadness & Hope 6 00:19:37 320 45.79 Mb 1.01€
Garden of Melodies - Azagthoth Pendragon 2016 Garden of Melodies 8 00:36:02 320 83.51 Mb 1.46€
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