Singing the greatness of northern nature, the Eisflammen - Touristic Black Metal album extols the impressions of wanderings in the taiga and the romance of tourism in the wild lands of the northern expanses.
Carried away by the unrestrained swiftness of musical whirlwinds В Мистериях Ночей entangles the vocal part with bewitching lace of mysterious melody, enthralling the listener to penetrate the mesmerizing mystery of the night spell, raising their charm over everyday concerns. Then the instrumental fragment slows down the pace of the musical narrative, introducing influences of brooding romanticism and artistic elevation, but with the return of vocals, the opening composition of the album returns to drive, raising the vocal phrases to the crest of the waves of a musical storm.
Walking along the path followed by the main motive, the Человек и Север music envelops vocal reflections with a sparkling tunnel of melodic variations, entwining with enchanting threads mystical charm. In the final part of the composition, the music is transformed into the grandeur of the solemn anthem, erecting the vocal part on a pedestal greatness, swirling vocal phrases with swirls of musical charm. Concluding the album, the Под Натиском Воли song hardens the vocal part, enveloping the fury of demonic screaming with the melodic interweaving of musical variations. It should be noted the most epic and exciting sound of this inspired saga - sometimes a furious drive is transformed by echoes of legends and fairy tales, exalting solemn banners of the epic symphony. Then the music steps aside, complementing the soft chime of guitar strings with birdsong and manifestation the grandeur of nature and its charm, evoking a brooding and gentle guitar solo.