Soak, persistently and stubbornly, the sound of the Despierta composition begins indignation of the musical positioning of the Killus - Nunca Algo Fue Tan Real album. But then the vocals begins the sound by electronic distortion, bringing the industrial shades to the musical sound. However, then music and vocals are hardened in a single indignation.
The Killus band's self-titled composition pumps fierce waves of an intustrial musical drive, complementing distorted vocal fury. This combination of a sugro drive varies the pace and carries in the fury of musical hobbies, sometimes the fiercely distorted vocals to frantic harsh vocals sound.
Music pumps harsh waves of medium-dimensional pressure, combined with vocal perturbation in the Camino A La Desesperaci single stream of musical frenzy.
The swirl of the unrestrained drive, the Vehemencia final composition of the release album gives its completion energy and uncontrollable fasting.