The Glomt composition begins the gloomy atmosphere of the musical twilight of the Wyrd (FIN) - Vandraren album, pumping up the ghostly haze of a dark symphony that envelops the gloomy vocal revelations with viscous darkness and impenetrable shadows. The vocals sometimes recedes into a dark haze, then the music brings the guitar solo to the fore, sometimes complementing it with background vocal phrases and symphonic echoes of orchestral elements of musical variations. Sometimes a guitar solo is intertwined with vocal phrases in a mesmerizing dance, giving melodic charm to the dark musical atmosphere of a painful symphony. In the final fragment, the vocals are transformed from demonic screaming into epic calls of clean vocals.
The somber procession of the dark procession of the En Farligt Fard majestic anthem complements the guitar passages of the main motif with echoes of an artistic keyboard symphony, then combining this melodic musical procession with the harsh rattle of emotional screaming vocals. The sound of the composition alternates between severe fragments with vocal rigidity and melodic echoes of artistic shades. Then the vocals are also transformed, combining the dominant screaming with the background backing of brooding chorales.
Accelerating the tempo and rolling waves of dark drive, the I Sorgens Tid envisions finishing this release with some variations of a musical thriller, crowned with an artistic haze of keyboard symphonies and combining furious screaming and muted reflections of clean vocals in a duet.