Music is woven with mesmerizing covers of jazz improvisations, enveloping the sound of the Conflict Cartography composition with enchanting covers of musical mystery. Disturbing musical distortions of the Monomyth track continue the musical the narrative of the Animals As Leaders - Parrhesia album with the pulsating essence of rhythmic pulsations, then crowned with the charm of guitar solos.
Thoughtfulness and sophisticated variations of tranquility create an intriguing sound. The Red Miso composition is crowned with the sparkling charm of a guitar solo. Track Gestaltzerfall complements musical artistry with the power of guitar drive and juggling rhythmic structures and dimensions.
Mysterious melodies of musical passages anticipate the melodic romanticism of the Asahi guitar solo, anticipating further progressive development of melodic musical charm. The Problem of Other Minds track continues emotional charm with emotional echoes of French chanson, continuing this artistic charm in the brooding sound of the Thoughts and Prayers musical story.
After a brief preparation by flying invisible fairies, the Micro Aggressions composition hardens and complicates the sound, combining rhythmic complexity with guitar rage. The Gordian Naught track ties a non-untied knot according to the name, weaving it into it the incredible depth of musical mysteries.