The whirlwind of the guitar drive of the introduction precedes the inspired mystery of the vocals storyteller in the verse, combining and extolling the joint artistry of music and vocals in the Beyond the Realm of Reality chorus, continuing the musical narrative of the Veonity - Elements of Power album with the melodic charm of the rapid flight of the The Surge composition, raising vocals inspiration in the chorus to the top of the musical stream.
Majestic solemnity combines in symphonic grandeur folkloric motifs with epic shades in the musical charm of the Altar of Power saga, developing symphonic charm in the enchanting sound of the title musical tale of the Elements of Power album, fascinatingly combining vocals emotionality and sparkling covers of musical lace, rapidly advancing the musical essence to the twilight mystery of the Gargoyles of Black Steel composition, preserving the atmosphere of legends and fairy tales in the sound. Weaving an exciting stream of melodic threads around the restrained drive of the Dive into the Light song crowns this charm with a vocals narrative, anticipating the gloomy combativeness and unyielding pressure of the Facing the Water battle saga.
Rolling waves of a harsh rhythmic battle march in the intro of the Blood of the Beast composition anticipates the introduction of brooding vocals with echoes of restrained drive, then combining notes of medium-tempo drive and echoes of mystical mysteries in the fascinating sound of the Blood of the Beast song, anticipating the bright melodic flight of the Return to the Land of Light final composition of the album.