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Robbie van Doe

Robbie van Doe
Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott)
Discography  (total 15 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's
Correlation - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2015 Correlation 1 00:07:38 320 17.53 Mb 0.22€
Haywire - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2015 Haywire 2 00:15:54 320 36.51 Mb 0.44€
Daywalker - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2014 Daywalker 1 00:07:05 320 16.31 Mb 0.21€
Deception - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2014 Deception 2 00:13:51 320 31.81 Mb 0.42€
Drop out / Holding strong - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2013 Drop out / Holding strong 2 00:17:25 320 39.94 Mb 0.46€
Judgement / Devil's night - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2013 Judgement / Devil's night 3 00:22:08 320 51.48 Mb 0.65€
Past and future (EP 1) - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2013 Past and future (EP 1) 2 00:15:28 320 35.58 Mb 0.44€
Past and future (EP 2) - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2013 Past and future (EP 2) 3 00:23:31 320 53.99 Mb 0.66€
This is it - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2013 This is it 2 00:16:11 320 37.21 Mb 0.45€
The long way back / That's far enough - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2012 The long way back / That's far enough 2 00:15:51 320 36.51 Mb 0.44€
Autumn / So long - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2011 Autumn / So long 3 00:23:47 320 54.73 Mb 0.66€
Escape (EP) - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2009 Escape (EP) 3 00:24:04 320 55.3 Mb 0.67€
First sight / After then - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2009 First sight / After then 3 00:22:30 320 51.81 Mb 0.65€
Robbie van Doe & Olly Lewin - Correlation (EP) - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2008 Robbie van Doe & Olly Lewin - Correlation (EP) 3 00:24:17 320 55.74 Mb 0.67€
Tom Colontonio, Robbie van Doe - Astral / Elavation (feat.) - Robbie van Doe (Robert Allcott) 2007 Tom Colontonio, Robbie van Doe - Astral / Elavation (feat.)
[Featuring Colontonio, Tom ]
2 00:17:57 320 41.29 Mb 0.47€
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