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Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind)
Ambient  /  Downtempo  /  Ambient Dub  /  Tribal  /  Psy-Trance
Discography  (total 13 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Meltwater Pulse 1B - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2021 Meltwater Pulse 1B 8 00:54:14 320 124.3 Mb 1.66€
Animism - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2020 Animism 8 01:01:45 320 141.49 Mb 1.75€
Hypatia - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2019 Hypatia 8 01:05:13 320 149.41 Mb 1.79€
Kykeon - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2018 Kykeon 8 01:02:34 320 143.4 Mb 1.76€
Dreamtime Physics - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2017 Dreamtime Physics 9 01:19:30 320 182.11 Mb 2.08€
A Singularity Encoded - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2015 A Singularity Encoded 7 00:59:41 320 136.75 Mb 1.59€
Enthymesis - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2014 Enthymesis 8 01:17:29 320 177.53 Mb 1.93€
Gaia Sophia - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2011 Gaia Sophia 5 01:09:04 320 158.22 Mb 1.44€
Flight Of The Urubus - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2008 Flight Of The Urubus 10 00:57:41 320 132.28 Mb 1.96€
Golden Cap - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2006 Golden Cap 9 01:07:19 320 154.25 Mb 1.94€
Dialogue of the Speakers - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2005 Dialogue of the Speakers 9 01:07:30 320 154.71 Mb 1.94€
Spontaneous Illumination - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2003 Spontaneous Illumination 7 01:11:56 320 164.79 Mb 1.73€
Entheogenic - Entheogenic (Piers Oak-Rhind) 2002 Entheogenic 9 01:10:16 320 161.03 Mb 1.98€
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