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Bill Bourne

Bill Bourne
Bill Bourne (William Sigurd Bourne)
Blues  /  Folk  /  Pop
Discography  (total 7 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums | Bootlegs
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Songs From A Gypsy Caravan - Bill Bourne (William Sigurd Bourne) 2012 Songs From A Gypsy Caravan 10 00:42:05 320 98.39 Mb 1.79€
Between Trains (Bop Ensemble) - Bill Bourne (William Sigurd Bourne) 2009 Between Trains (Bop Ensemble) 10 00:40:23 320 94.08 Mb 1.77€
Let's Play (Tri-Continental) - Bill Bourne (William Sigurd Bourne) 2003 Let's Play (Tri-Continental) 10 00:53:07 320 123.32 Mb 1.92€
Voodoo King - Bill Bourne (William Sigurd Bourne) 2002 Voodoo King 12 00:54:01 320 125.09 Mb 2.19€
Sally's Dream - Bill Bourne (William Sigurd Bourne) 1998 Sally's Dream 11 00:46:59 320 109.02 Mb 1.98€
Farmer Philanthropist and Musician - Bill Bourne (William Sigurd Bourne) 1997 Farmer Philanthropist and Musician 12 00:51:25 320 119.36 Mb 2.16€
Dear Madonna - Bill Bourne (William Sigurd Bourne) 1994 Dear Madonna 12 00:52:08 320 121.42 Mb 2.17€
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