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Baltimore Symphony Orchestra

Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Discography  (total 6 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra; Music for Strings, Percussion & Celesta (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra) - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 2015 Bartok: Concerto for Orchestra; Music for Strings, Percussion & Celesta (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra)
[Featuring Marin Alsop ]
9 01:06:57 320 153.53 Mb 1.94€
A. Dvorak: Symphonies Nos. 7 & 8 (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra) - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 2010 A. Dvorak: Symphonies Nos. 7 & 8 (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra)
[Featuring Marin Alsop ]
8 01:13:52 320 169.27 Mb 1.89€
A. Dvorak: Symphony No. 6; Scherzo capriccioso; Nocturne (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra) - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 2010 A. Dvorak: Symphony No. 6; Scherzo capriccioso; Nocturne (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra)
[Featuring Marin Alsop ]
6 01:08:00 320 155.78 Mb 1.56€
Leonard Bernstein: Mass (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra) (CD 1) - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 2009 Leonard Bernstein: Mass (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra) (CD 1)
[Featuring Marin Alsop ]
26 01:04:54 320 149.22 Mb 4.13€
Leonard Bernstein: Mass (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra) (CD 2) - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 2009 Leonard Bernstein: Mass (feat. Baltimore Symphony Orchestra) (CD 2)
[Featuring Marin Alsop ]
6 00:38:45 320 88.83 Mb 1.22€
Barber: Adagio; Symphony No. 1; The School For Scandal; Essays - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 1992 Barber: Adagio; Symphony No. 1; The School For Scandal; Essays 9 01:04:12
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