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Aras (Irn)

Aras (Irn)
Aras (Irn)
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Crypt (Demo) - Aras (Irn) 2007 Crypt (Demo) 3 00:16:22 256 30.03 Mb 0.54€
Depressive Rebellion - Aras (Irn) 2007 Depressive Rebellion 8 00:35:02 128 32.15 Mb 1.2€
Marsieh Baraye Saray - Aras (Irn) 2007 Marsieh Baraye Saray 1 00:38:00 192 52.19 Mb 0.39€
The New Beginning Of Insanity - Aras (Irn) 2007 The New Beginning Of Insanity 1 00:11:24 192 15.68 Mb 0.21€
Dead Soul In The Cage - Aras (Irn) 2005 Dead Soul In The Cage 5 00:28:11 320 64.66 Mb 0.97€
Holy Black Metal - Aras (Irn) 2005 Holy Black Metal 5 00:33:11 VBR-144 51.24 Mb 0.91€
Whispers Of Insanity - Aras (Irn) 2005 Whispers Of Insanity 7 00:37:01 320 84.89 Mb 1.33€
Sallakh E Azadi - Aras (Irn) 2004 Sallakh E Azadi 8 00:36:20 VBR-168 44.76 Mb 1.26€
Aras E Khoonin (Demo) - Aras (Irn) 2003 Aras E Khoonin (Demo) 3 00:12:35 256 23.1 Mb 0.51€
Toloo' E Tanhaie (Demo) - Aras (Irn) 2003 Toloo' E Tanhaie (Demo) 8 00:29:29 256 54.13 Mb 1.31€
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