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Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen)
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Norwegian Gothic - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2021 Norwegian Gothic 16 00:56:51 320 131.07 Mb 2.74€
Who Do You Love - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2018 Who Do You Love 10 00:44:27 VBR-320 102.53 Mb 1.81€
The Gospel - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2016 The Gospel 9 00:42:05 VBR-320 97.03 Mb 1.66€
Еrabrot - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2013 Еrabrot 10 00:37:41 VBR-285 73.54 Mb 1.67€
Solar Anus - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2011 Solar Anus 8 00:38:30 VBR-254 68.82 Mb 1.38€
Revenge - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2010 Revenge 9 00:48:16 VBR-214 67.04 Mb 1.51€
I Rove - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2009 I Rove 3 00:25:46 VBR-226 41.33 Mb 0.6€
The Brother Seed - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2009 The Brother Seed 10 00:36:01 VBR-320 83.06 Mb 1.72€
Rep.Rep - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2006 Rep.Rep 10 00:44:54 VBR-320 103.38 Mb 1.82€
Proposing A Pact With Jesus - Arabrot (Kjetil Nernes Vidar Evensen) 2005 Proposing A Pact With Jesus 8 00:26:16 VBR-320 60.49 Mb 1.34€
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