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A Perfect Day (CAN)

A Perfect Day (CAN)
A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi)
Discography  (total 17 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Urban Passionplay - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2018 Urban Passionplay 11 01:17:26 320 178.63 Mb 2.32€
Of Our Quiet Stars (Split) - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2016 Of Our Quiet Stars (Split)
[Split with City Of Dawn (USA) ]
6 00:53:32 320 122.65 Mb 1.39€
I Love My Cats - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2016 I Love My Cats 4 00:58:18 320 134.06 Mb 1.19€
Dame Des L'etoiles - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2016 Dame Des L'etoiles 3 00:23:58 320 55.26 Mb 0.67€
Fluttering Souls - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2016 Fluttering Souls 12 01:07:03 320 154.79 Mb 2.33€
Libertarian Girls - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2016 Libertarian Girls 6 00:37:09 320 85.4 Mb 1.21€
Painful Air - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2016 Painful Air 6 00:43:58 320 101.27 Mb 1.29€
Waiting IV - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2016 Waiting IV 5 00:31:38 320 73.06 Mb 1.02€
Blossom Diary - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2015 Blossom Diary 6 00:57:04 320 131.27 Mb 1.44€
Lovers Beware - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2015 Lovers Beware 8 00:49:48 320 114.53 Mb 1.61€
Mall Music - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2015 Mall Music 7 00:54:11 320 125.34 Mb 1.54€
Waiting - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2015 Waiting 5 00:46:16 320 106.23 Mb 1.18€
Waiting II - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2015 Waiting II 5 00:30:09 320 69.53 Mb 1€
Waiting III - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2015 Waiting III 7 00:45:54 320 106.54 Mb 1.44€
The Snow! The Hand Holding Apo - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2014 The Snow! The Hand Holding Apo 16 01:35:01 320 220.81 Mb 3.18€
This Life Cuts Deep - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2014 This Life Cuts Deep 7 00:33:20 320 76.98 Mb 1.29€
Demo - A Perfect Day (CAN) (Nathan Gabriel Guerrette, Célavi) 2012 Demo 2 00:14:08 320 32.57 Mb 0.42€
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