An intriguing and mysterious Outbreak introduction after a tripping siren, overflowing fluid and vocal growling, as if a beast escaped from its cage sets the atmosphere of the beginning of the Purulence - Xenarch album, then the beast, broken from its chains, howls furiously and prepares for revenge on its intimidators, gathering to thoughts of impending reprisal in the sound of the Teratosis song.
After the vocal monologue, the Neurectomy (Feat. Exorcised Gods) track rolls with waves of vocal dominance in a furious sound and fierce ferocity of musical fury, continuing in the musical embodiment of The Flattening (Feat. Pestilectomy) song, just as clearly preferring the power and ferocity of swiftness and unrestraint.
The symphonic sacrament of the Order Of The Earworm intro concludes with a rhythmic battle march with a crossing of radio transmissions with different announcers, then retreating before the onslaught of vocal fury of frenetic gutural growling. The Speak, Xenarch title track immediately bursts into frenetic fury with echoes of enchanting musical epicism with shades of oriental motifs.
Machine-gun bursts, sharp beats culminate in an explosion of musical frenzy, then quite artistically and peculiarly transformed into the musical essence of the Expurgation song. Then, after the nasty musical restlessness, the And The Machine Crunches On track rolls with waves of twilight mystery and after the intriguing beginning, the Dolorem song completes the album with unity and combination of the dark symphony and explosions of unrestrained rage.