The soft procession of the title track's musical musings pacifies a mysterious mystery, attracting notes of mystical mystery with gloomy vocal phrases. Those who expected a furious drive from the Lugubrum - Plage Chomage album, a harsh rebellious nature and other features of ferrous metal will be surprised - while preserving mystical mystery, music transforms rage into lyrical digressions with some measure.
Pensive procession of the Seelenglut song envelops the atmosphere of painful meditations, vocals thoughtfully and leisurely complement the viscous musical passages. But the guitar sometimes roars with an angry buzz, but restrains its anger and rage in the framework of a gloomy musical sound.
Driving in waves of restrained drive, Foefganger vocals and music remains within the album's style, but sometimes complement the sound with rage and anger. But this is like a muffled meditation of an old man, wise by life experience. Instrumental tunes add a jazzy touch to the musical narrative.
Rolling out the pacifying mystery, the vocal tunes give shades of oriental folklore to the Muzzammil introduction, then the vocal part as if resting from the sultry air complements the musical mystery with unhurried thoughts. Ragged Goldhut rhythm gives the musical essence some shades of progressive musical shades, then the musical passages complement the sound of jazz style, but the guitar solo as if breaks out of this complex, but bewitching, musical captivity. As if resting after complex and progressive musical perceptions, Fatty Streak completes the album, crowning the music and vocal part with the covers of a keyboard solo.