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Fowlis, Julie

Fowlis, Julie
Gach Sgeul (Every Story)
Machair Records
Also suggested:

Gach Sgeul (Every Story)

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 A Ghaoil, Leig Dhachaigh Gum Mh stereo 9.2 Mb 320 03:58 0.18€
2 Danns' a Luideagan Odhar (Dance Dun-Coloured Slattern) stereo 6.74 Mb 320 02:54 0.16€
3 An Roghain Dain Do Eimhir XXII (The Choice) stereo 8.59 Mb 320 03:42 0.17€
4 Smeorach Chlann Domhnaill (The Mavis Of Clan Donald) stereo 9.7 Mb 320 04:11 0.18€
5 Do Chalum (To Calum) stereo 7.79 Mb 320 03:21 0.17€
6 Cadal Ciarach Mo Luran (Sleep Well My Beloved) stereo 8.13 Mb 320 03:30 0.17€
7 Puirt-A-Beul Set stereo 11.96 Mb 320 05:11 0.19€
8 Oran Fir Heisgeir (Gura Mis' Tha Fo Mhighean) stereo 9.02 Mb 320 03:54 0.18€
9 Siud Thu 'Ille Ruaidh Ghallain (There You Go, Handsome Red-Haired Youth) stereo 7.99 Mb 320 03:27 0.17€
10 Puirt-A-Buel Set: Fodor Dha Na Gamhna Beaga stereo 9.83 Mb 320 04:15 0.18€
11 An Ron (The Seal) / Ann An Caolas Od Odram stereo 9.18 Mb 320 03:58 0.18€
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Total time:42:21
Total size:98.13 Mb
Total price:1.93