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Emad Sayyah

Emad Sayyah
Modern Belly Dance Music From Lebanon, Vol. 5
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Modern Belly Dance Music From Lebanon, Vol. 5

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# Track title Mode Size Bitrate,
Length Lyrics Check Price Listen
1 Raksat Al Afraah (Dance Of Happiness) [Instrumental] stereo 9.95 Mb 320 04:20 0.18€
2 Houllou Houllou stereo 6.52 Mb 320 02:50 0.16€
3 Zikrayaat Ali Baba (Ali Baba's Rememberances) [Instrumental] stereo 9.01 Mb 320 03:56 0.18€
4 Sar Fi Khtout 'a Beirut (There Is A Connection To Beruit Again) stereo 9.51 Mb 320 04:09 0.18€
5 Mashoura (Enchanting Arabia) [Instrumental] stereo 16.24 Mb 320 07:05 0.21€
6 Ma Baddi Njoum Essama (I Don't Desire The Stars From Heaven) stereo 10.05 Mb 320 04:23 0.18€
7 Ammoura (Loving Girl) [Instrumental] stereo 8.14 Mb 320 03:33 0.17€
8 Nihna Baladna (Our Homeland) stereo 8.58 Mb 320 03:44 0.17€
9 Lil Amira (For The Princess) [Instrumental] stereo 13.42 Mb 320 05:51 0.2€
10 Gamila Illeila (A Beautiful Night) stereo 11.48 Mb 320 05:00 0.19€
11 Dunya Al Ajaayeb (World Of Wonders) [Instrumental] stereo 13.17 Mb 320 05:45 0.2€
12 Tabbel Ya Habibi (Beat The Drum My Love) [Instrumental] stereo 5.96 Mb 320 02:36 0.16€
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Total time:53:12
Total size:122.05 Mb
Total price:2.18