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Willis Jackson

Willis Jackson
Willis Jackson (Jackson, Willis Gator)
Jazz  /  R&B/Soul
Hard Bop  /  Soul Jazz  /  Swing  /  R&B
Discography  (total 8 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
At Large - Willis Jackson (Jackson, Willis Gator) 2000 At Large 15 01:17:22 320 177.44 Mb 2.84€
Legends Of Acid Jazz (Willis Jackson) - Willis Jackson (Jackson, Willis Gator) 1998 Legends Of Acid Jazz (Willis Jackson)
[Tribute by Legends Of Acid Jazz (CD Series) ]
12 01:16:42 320 175.79 Mb 2.44€
Legends Of Acid Jazz (Willis Jackson Quintet, feat. Jack McDuff) - Willis Jackson (Jackson, Willis Gator) 1998 Legends Of Acid Jazz (Willis Jackson Quintet, feat. Jack McDuff)
[Featuring Legends Of Acid Jazz (CD Series) ]
13 01:11:47 320 164.64 Mb 2.51€
Please Mr. Jackson - Willis Jackson (Jackson, Willis Gator) 1988 Please Mr. Jackson 6 00:34:10 320 78.37 Mb 1.17€
The Gator Horn - Willis Jackson (Jackson, Willis Gator) 1979 The Gator Horn 6 00:39:37 320 90.96 Mb 1.23€
Willis...With Pat (split) - Willis Jackson (Jackson, Willis Gator) 1978 Willis...With Pat (split)
[Split with Pat Martino ]
8 00:50:45 320 116.33 Mb 1.62€
Together Again, Agein (split) - Willis Jackson (Jackson, Willis Gator) 1967 Together Again, Agein (split)
[Split with Jack McDuff ]
8 00:34:38 320 79.41 Mb 1.44€
Together Again, Again (Split) - Willis Jackson (Jackson, Willis Gator) 1967 Together Again, Again (Split)
[Split with Jack McDuff ]
8 00:34:38 320 79.44 Mb 1.44€
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