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Willie P. Bennett

Willie P. Bennett
Willie P. Bennett (William Patrick 'Willie P.' Bennett)
Folk  /  Pop
Discography  (total 6 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Heartstrings - Willie P. Bennett (William Patrick 'Willie P.' Bennett) 1998 Heartstrings 14 00:54:04
Take My Own Advice - Willie P. Bennett (William Patrick 'Willie P.' Bennett) 1993 Take My Own Advice 12 00:47:55 320 111.3 Mb 2.12€
The Lucky Ones (LP) - Willie P. Bennett (William Patrick 'Willie P.' Bennett) 1985 The Lucky Ones (LP) 10 00:32:59 320 76.89 Mb 1.68€
Blackie And The Rodeo King (Remastered 2001) - Willie P. Bennett (William Patrick 'Willie P.' Bennett) 1979 Blackie And The Rodeo King (Remastered 2001) 11 00:40:04 320 93.35 Mb 1.9€
Hobo's Taunt (Remastered 2000) - Willie P. Bennett (William Patrick 'Willie P.' Bennett) 1977 Hobo's Taunt (Remastered 2000) 10 00:39:35 320 92.01 Mb 1.76€
Tryin' To Start Out Clean (Remastered 2001) - Willie P. Bennett (William Patrick 'Willie P.' Bennett) 1975 Tryin' To Start Out Clean (Remastered 2001) 12 00:39:48 320 93.19 Mb 2.03€
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