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Weird Al Yankovic

Weird Al Yankovic
Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / "Weird Al" Yankovic)
Discography  (total 16 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Mandatory Fun - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 2014 Mandatory Fun 12 00:45:21
Alpocalypse - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 2011 Alpocalypse 12 00:45:56 320 105.42 Mb 2.09€
Internet Leaks - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 2009 Internet Leaks 5 00:19:22 ABR-253 34.19 Mb 0.82€
Straight Outta Lynwood - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 2006 Straight Outta Lynwood 12 00:47:47 VBR-231 69.57 Mb 1.91€
Poodle Hat - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 2003 Poodle Hat 12 00:54:31 320 125.58 Mb 2.19€
Running With Scissors - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1999 Running With Scissors 12 00:49:48 320 114.57 Mb 2.13€
Bad Hair Day - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1996 Bad Hair Day 12 00:42:10 320 97.17 Mb 2.05€
Alapalooza - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1993 Alapalooza 12 00:44:48 320 103.18 Mb 2.08€
Off The Deep End - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1992 Off The Deep End 11 00:51:29 320 118.44 Mb 2.02€
Uhf - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1989 Uhf 13 00:42:28 320 97.86 Mb 2.18€
Even Worse - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1988 Even Worse 11 00:37:34 320 86.6 Mb 1.86€
Peter & The Wolf (feat. Wendy Carlos) - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1988 Peter & The Wolf (feat. Wendy Carlos) 16 00:57:53 320 133.65 Mb 2.75€
Polka Party! - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1986 Polka Party! 10 00:34:00 320 78.68 Mb 1.69€
Dare To Be Stupid - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1985 Dare To Be Stupid 11 00:36:55 320 85.15 Mb 1.86€
Weird Al Yankovic In 3 - D - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1984 Weird Al Yankovic In 3 - D 11 00:44:18 320 102.24 Mb 1.94€
Weird Al Yankovic - Weird Al Yankovic (Alfred Matthew Yankovic / 1983 Weird Al Yankovic 12 00:32:52 320 76.59 Mb 1.94€
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