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Vulture (BRA)

Vulture (BRA)
Vulture (BRA)
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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The End of Agony - Vulture (BRA) 2020 The End of Agony 12 00:55:52 320 128.19 Mb 2.2€
Abandoned Haunt of Cosmic Hate - Vulture (BRA) 2015 Abandoned Haunt of Cosmic Hate 11 01:00:37 320 138.94 Mb 2.12€
Destructive Creation - Vulture (BRA) 2012 Destructive Creation 10 00:52:47 192 72.64 Mb 1.66€
Through The Eyes Of Vulture - Vulture (BRA) 2008 Through The Eyes Of Vulture 12 01:02:43 192 86.27 Mb 1.99€
Test of Fire - Vulture (BRA) 2005 Test of Fire 9 01:00:50 128 55.78 Mb 1.45€
Hellraised Abominations (Demo) - Vulture (BRA) 2002 Hellraised Abominations (Demo) 6 00:29:31 320 67.71 Mb 1.12€
A Call for the Ancients (Demo) - Vulture (BRA) 2000 A Call for the Ancients (Demo) 9 00:50:41 320 116.25 Mb 1.75€
Death Metal Live (Demo) - Vulture (BRA) 1999 Death Metal Live (Demo) 5 00:28:24 320 65.1 Mb 0.98€
Dreams of Despair (Demo) - Vulture (BRA) 1998 Dreams of Despair (Demo) 4 00:23:28 320 53.79 Mb 0.79€
Demo Ensaio 96 (Demo) - Vulture (BRA) 1996 Demo Ensaio 96 (Demo) 7 00:24:53 320 57.06 Mb 1.2€
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