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Tony Davis

Tony Davis
Tony Davis (Anthony Davis)
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Works For Me: Reach Within (feat. Caili O.Doherty, Tony Davis, Adi Meyerson, Joe Strasser) - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 2020 Works For Me: Reach Within (feat. Caili O.Doherty, Tony Davis, Adi Meyerson, Joe Strasser)
[Featuring Tarantino, Alexa ]
9 00:50:13 320 115.11 Mb 1.75€
David Murray Quintet with Ray Anderson & Anthony Davis - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1996 David Murray Quintet with Ray Anderson & Anthony Davis
[Tribute by Ray Anderson ]
6 00:51:09 320 117.23 Mb 1.37€
Opera - X, the Life and Times of Malcolm X (CD 2) - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1992 Opera - X, the Life and Times of Malcolm X (CD 2) 14 01:08:12 320 156.53 Mb 2.6€
Opera - X, the Life and Times of Malcolm X (CD 1) - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1992 Opera - X, the Life and Times of Malcolm X (CD 1) 14 01:10:21 320 161.45 Mb 2.63€
Trio² (feat. Anthony Davis & James Newton) - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1989 Trio² (feat. Anthony Davis & James Newton)
[Featuring Abdul Wadud ]
9 01:02:41 320 143.65 Mb 1.89€
The Ghost Factory - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1988 The Ghost Factory 4 00:51:31 320 117.97 Mb 1.11€
Hemispheres (feat. Dave Samuels) - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1983 Hemispheres (feat. Dave Samuels)
[Featuring Dave Samuels ]
5 00:38:53 320 89.14 Mb 1.1€
I've Known Rivers (feat. James Newton & Abdul Wadud) - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1982 I've Known Rivers (feat. James Newton & Abdul Wadud)
[Featuring Newton, James Abdul Wadud ]
4 00:42:23 320 97.13 Mb 1.01€
Interpretations of Monk, Vol.2 (CD 1: Anthony Davis) - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1981 Interpretations of Monk, Vol.2 (CD 1: Anthony Davis)
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
6 00:44:24
Lady Of The Mirrors - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1980 Lady Of The Mirrors 6 00:47:44 320 109.34 Mb 1.33€
Of Blues and Dreams - Tony Davis (Anthony Davis) 1979 Of Blues and Dreams 5 00:42:09 320 96.57 Mb 1.13€
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