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Tobin Sprout

Tobin Sprout
Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin)
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Empty Horses - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 2020 Empty Horses 10 00:30:23 VBR-320 72.74 Mb 1.66€
The Universe And Me - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 2017 The Universe And Me 14 00:36:24 VBR-320 84.16 Mb 2.24€
The Bluebirds Of Happiness Tried To Land On My Shoulder - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 2010 The Bluebirds Of Happiness Tried To Land On My Shoulder 10 00:34:42 VBR-320 79.89 Mb 1.7€
Live At The Horseshoe Tavern (CD 2) - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 2005 Live At The Horseshoe Tavern (CD 2) 13 00:36:16 320 84.01 Mb 2.11€
Lost Planets & Phantom Voices - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 2003 Lost Planets & Phantom Voices 13 00:40:02 320 91.87 Mb 2.15€
Sentimental Stations - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 2002 Sentimental Stations 7 00:21:44 VBR-320 50.29 Mb 1.16€
Demos And Outtakes - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 2001 Demos And Outtakes 20 00:48:37 VBR-320 111.91 Mb 3.16€
Let's Welcome The Circus People - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 1999 Let's Welcome The Circus People 12 00:34:49 VBR-320 80.71 Mb 1.96€
Moonflower Plastic (Welcome To My Wig Wam) - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 1997 Moonflower Plastic (Welcome To My Wig Wam) 14 00:38:42
Carnival Boy - Tobin Sprout (Sprout, Tobin) 1996 Carnival Boy 14 00:30:24
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