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Sonny Rhodes

Sonny Rhodes
Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith)
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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I'm Back Again - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 2009 I'm Back Again 11 00:51:24 320 117.88 Mb 2.02€
Texas Fender Bender - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 2003 Texas Fender Bender 9 00:47:07 320 108.07 Mb 1.71€
A Good Day To Play The Blues - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 2001 A Good Day To Play The Blues 13 00:45:58 320 105.84 Mb 2.22€
Blue Diamond - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 1999 Blue Diamond 14 01:10:00 320 160.95 Mb 2.62€
I Dont Want My Blues Coloured Bright - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 1997 I Dont Want My Blues Coloured Bright 13 00:52:31 320 120.47 Mb 2.29€
Born To Be Blue - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 1997 Born To Be Blue 12 00:43:11 320 99.13 Mb 2.06€
Out Of Control - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 1996 Out Of Control 13 00:51:30 320 118.16 Mb 2.28€
Blues Is My Best Friend - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 1994 Blues Is My Best Friend 13 00:54:29 320 124.97 Mb 2.31€
Livin' Too Close To The Edge - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 1992 Livin' Too Close To The Edge 9 00:40:03 320 91.87 Mb 1.63€
Disciple of the Blues - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 1991 Disciple of the Blues 9 00:35:30 320 81.49 Mb 1.58€
Just Blues - Sonny Rhodes (Clarence Edward Smith) 1985 Just Blues 9 00:36:20 320 83.31 Mb 1.59€
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