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Silver Apples

Silver Apples
Silver Apples
Discography  (total 9 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Clinging To A Dream - Silver Apples 2016 Clinging To A Dream 12 00:53:52 320 123.5 Mb 2.18€
Remixes (CD 1: Remixes) - Silver Apples 2000 Remixes (CD 1: Remixes) 4 00:51:29 320 118.67 Mb 1.11€
Remixes (CD 2: Original Mixes) - Silver Apples 2000 Remixes (CD 2: Original Mixes) 4 00:44:45 320 103.3 Mb 1.04€
Decatur - Silver Apples 1998 Decatur 1 00:43:08 320 98.75 Mb 0.62€
The garden - Silver Apples 1998 The garden 16 00:56:05 320 129.79 Mb 2.73€
Beacon Remixed - Silver Apples 1998 Beacon Remixed 10 00:50:08 320 116.38 Mb 1.88€
Beacon - Silver Apples 1997 Beacon 11 00:48:37 320 111.44 Mb 1.99€
Contact (Remastered 1997) - Silver Apples 1969 Contact (Remastered 1997) 9 00:40:53 320 94.41 Mb 1.64€
Silver Apples (Remastered 1997) - Silver Apples 1968 Silver Apples (Remastered 1997) 10 00:35:46 320 82.84 Mb 1.71€
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